
Get started, free your home from chemicals, join EcoTeams!

Want to run a household with less hazardous chemicals and waste? Want to save money on cleaning products? Want to establish a more sustainable home and beat climate anxiety? Then now’s your chance to get involved and get inspired! Let’s do it together – join  NOW the English-speaking Clean Home EcoTeams group of the Association of Conscious Consumers in Budapest!

Small group of people, a few weeks, a lot of inspiration

Clean Home EcoTeams is a highly successful programme in Hungary and internationally. With us, You can learn

  • through experimenting and sharing personal experience,
  • how to run a clean household with less chemicals,
  • how to avoid unnecessary spending and rubbish, and
  • and can even make new, like-minded friends.

ökokör, háztartászöldítés, csoportvezető

Who makes up an EcoTeam?

  • 5-8 participants interested in clean home with less chemicals
  • 1 trained coach (group leader)
  • the language of the group will be English


How does it work?

Clean Home EcoTeams do not offer ready-made solutions, but build on your individual solutions within your own means, so that you can find the one that fits best your lifestyle.

Participants get together in groups of 5-8 people for 5 weeks to experiment with environmental and health-conscious tricks and get into the routine of green cleaning.

Sessions will be moderated by a trained coach, who will also provide a starter kit and a workbook. Participants will also receive newsletters with further aids.

You will get plenty of tips, ideas and encouragement from the others and your coach to keep you on the path to greening.

What will you get at the EcoTeams?

The starter pack includes:

  • English-language workbook
  • sticker to label your cleaning products’ containers

The group will also receive and distribute:

  • 2 kg of washing soda
  • 2 kg of baking soda
  • 1 kg citric acid
  • 1 kg spot-cleaning salt
  • 2 bars of stain remover soap

ökokör, vegyszermentes, zero waste


In our English newsletter you will get more tips on:

  • how to have a clean home with less chemicals;
  • where to buy eco-friendly cleaning products in Budapest;
  • an app that helps you in shopping for certified eco products.

nagy réka ökoanyu“EcoTeams makes it much easier to take the first step, which is often difficult to take even for the ones, who are determined”

(Hungarian influencer, Réka Nagy Ökoanyu editor-journalist and author of several books on green housekeeping)

Join the Clean Home EcoTeams if you…

– want to reduce health burden from cleaning products in your space of living;

– want to keep your home cleaner and healthier with less spending;

– want to avoid unnecessary plastic packaging remaining after cleaning products;

– want to get useful tips from others;

– are happy to share your own experiences with others in a small group;

– want to do this in a group with other expts and English speaking fellows.

tiszta otthon ökokör

Location: downtown Budapest, 10 minutes from Deák tér (we will send you the exact location after your registration).

Date of first meeting: 30st of  October,  18.00-20.00h (we will meet for the following four consecutive weeks as well)

Maximum number of participants: 10

Participation is free, but registration is required. 


Segítettünk, hogy képben legyél a termékekben lévő vegyi anyagok hatásával kapcsolatban?
toxfree szavazás játékok

Köszönjük az idődet, válaszoddal sokat segítettél!

Segítettünk, hogy kevesebb káros vegyi anyag legyen az életedben?
toxfree szavazás 2

Köszönjük az idődet, válaszoddal sokat segítettél!

eu life logogreen and safe lifestylesGreen&Safe LIFE-styles project is funded by the European Union LIFE program. Co-funded by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture.ENV GIE HU000622 Green&Safe LIFE-styles

Mi nem csak a „szuperzöldekhez” szólunk! Célunk, hogy az ökotudatos életmód és az ehhez vezető vásárlási szempontok bárki számára elérhetők legyenek, éljen bárhol, bármilyen végzettséggel, bármilyen szemlélettel is ebben az országban.

Tevékenységünk a gyártók támogatásától és reklámoktól mentes, nem fogadunk el termékmintákat tesztelésre, nincsenek céges támogatóink, sem reklámbevételeink. És ezt továbbra is fenn akarjuk tartani.

Ahhoz, hogy olyan ügyekkel foglalkozzunk, amikre nincsen hazai vagy más pályázati forrás nagy szükségünk van olyan magánemberek támogatására, mint amilyen Te is vagy! Lehetőségeidhez mérten emiatt kérünk, támogasd munkánkat rendszeres vagy egyszeri adományoddal.

Ne feledd, a pénzed szavazat!

Támogass minket!

Képezd magad a webináriumainkon!

Iratkozz fel hírlevelünkre!

    Válassz hírleveleink közül:*

      Iratkozz fel híreinkre!

      Tippek, tesztek, programok
